“English is a funny language; that explains why we park our car on the driveway and drive our car on the parkway.“


Advanced English Course: Why not???

You are planning to choose English as one of your “LKs“? If so, this means:

  • You enjoy writing English texts of different types
  • You enjoy reading English literature and watching English films or theatre plays not only in class but also in your free time and your holidays
  • You are able to discuss about your readings in class
  • Your English grades in class 8-10 were good or very good, and you even might have spent some time in an English speaking country
  • You are able to reflect your faculty of speech and thus work on your grammatical as well as lexical mistakes and weaknesses individually
  • you identify unknown words, memorize them and expand your vocabulary individually
  • In class, you are able to understand new input, use it e.g. for discussions or text production and transfer it to other topics, if possible

> It’s not always easy and it requires you to stick at it!


In order to succeed in your final exam (Abiturprüfung) you have to be able to understand and work on texts dealing with new topics. Therefore, you can identify the formal principles of the texts, analyze them, and interpret them.

In conversations you can present your own opinion and take part in discussions even about unknown topics.

You have the ability to give a presentation on complex political, historic, scientific or economic topics. Meaning, that you speak fluently, and use special language and terminology. Also, you should be able to answer further questions about your topic using your expertise.

You should manage to use stylistic devices e.g. for a written summary to create a structured text.

As you have to work on some topics individually, you are expected to search for useable information on the Internet or general reference work and reflect the information you found.


The topics we are dealing with can be found on the following website:

KCGO (Kerncurriculum gymnasiale Oberstufe)